I’m Adam Cogan, the designer of Super Powered Smash Masters, and I have zero issues! At least, I have no issues with today.

This will be posted tomorrow morning, but right now it’s around midnight, and I’m just winding down after this first very exciting Kickstarter campaign day.

It took months of planning and game crafting to bring us to this summit. For now, just for a minute, before we turn our eyes to the distant peaks, and before we settle up with the grouchy sherpa, we can pause and plant the flag and appreciate the mountain we just scaled. All our efforts were focused on reaching here – the moment when we could finally share Super Powered Smash Masters with you.

At the time of this writing, you have helped us raise over two thousand dollars! And we’ve made new friends who I hope will stick with us until the end of the campaign, and far beyond, as Dark Unicorn continues to grow and expand its collection of innovative games.

Among today’s accomplishments, we were honored to be singled out by Kickstarter as one of their “projects we love”, and we are doubly honored to have received so much support from all of you.

Next Wednesday, I plan to focus less on the Kickstarter and more on various details about the game’s design – a favorite hero, where all this stuff came from, and why.

Until then…

*Clippity clop*

*Clippity clop*

*Dice roll*

*Neigh!*See that? I didn’t say excelsior.

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Author darkuni1
Categories DUG News Kickstarter
Views 1444


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Dark Unicorn Games