Editor in chief:
Hey, Adam – I don’t get this character ‘Imaginary Friend’. Are we saying he’s not a real person, or are we saying he’s only pretending to be a friend?

I dunno. Why do you have to put labels on people, dude?

Editor in chief:
He makes no sense. What’s his theme? Is he magical?

Who knows?

Editor in chief:
Well, shouldn’t you know? You made him up.

So what? I made you up, too.

Imaginary Friend can appear out of nowhere (in your Hero Stack) and turn a bad situation into a very slightly better one. There are only a few heroes in SUPER POWERED SMASH MASTERS capable of reviving stunned heroes, and Imaginary Friend is certainly one of them. And… yeah. I guess that’s all we can really say about him. He’s a hard guy to pin down.

Come back often for more zany heroes. It’s almost like we’re building an entire universe here!

-DUG Team OUT!

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Author darkuni1
Categories Heroes SPSM
Views 643


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