So what are these “story cards” and how do they work? If only there were someone to explain it to us. If only someone could show us an example of how it… oh… right. Here’s Emily with an epic take-down using one of her favorite story cards… ‘Golden Age’!

Well played, Emily. Well played!

Write Your Own Story Card

How would you like to get into the act and write your own story card for Super Powered Smash Masters

The Choose Your Own Misadventure pledge level for the SPSM Kickstarter will let you do just that. You’ll work with our team to come up with a completely new and totally ‘comics’ story card that can be played to affect all teams during the game. For just $200, your work will be immortalized in the SPSM’s first edition, we’ll add your name to the game credits as an Associate Designer, and you’ll get a shiny new 4-Player copy of the game. That way you can show your card off to all of your friends as you beat them down with it. The pen truly is mightier than the fist.

Stop by the KICKSTARTER PAGE right now to fullfill your dreams of writing for comics AND games AT THE SAME TIME!

Who’s the Smash Master? You are! 

Smash ya’ later!


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Author darkuni1
Views 1346


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