Now that it’s autumn (in the northern hemisphere), we’re falling all over ourselves to leaf you with a great impression of the latest Super Powered Smash Master. Please welcome the amazing arborist with a PhD in crimefighting: Doctor Deciduous!
It used to be all horticulture and nuclear fission for this scientist with a passion for plants. But after a freak lab accident, her green thumb turned to burnt umber. Now, science has flipped the laws of nature upside-down and the good Doctor’s powers grow stronger whenever she is denied the photosynthetic effects of the sun. How does that work? We don’t know. We’re just glad that she’s using her bark AND her bite to fight crime and keep her team safe!

We hope you’re having a great year so far. We know it will be a great one for you!
Be sure to follow us online and check back often for more udpates!
-The DUG Team
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