Ah, the South Pacific. A paradise full of surf, sand, sun, flowers, tiki parties, and deadly gila monsters. If you think that sounds like the perfect mix for another Super Powered Smash Masters hero, you’d be right! Take a look but keep your distance from the dangerous Gila Dancer!

If you only have one or two mutant heroes on your team, you’ll want to make sure that Gila Dancer is one of them. When she successfully smashes an opponent, they’re not just stunned, they’re poisoned! That means that the rival player has one round to revive their hero or it’s aloha to them! (You know that aloha can mean both ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’, right? No? Well, see, you just learned something…)

And what’s a hero without a theme song? This oughtta get your mind ready for beach weather even if your body isn’t:

There’s more SPSM coming so be sure to follow us online and check back often for more udpates!

-The DUG Team

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Author darkuni1
Categories Heroes SPSM
Views 1231


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