Hey everyone! We’ve got a few more reviews and previews to show and to talk about. We’re glad the word is starting to get around about the game.

First up, we have a review from last week by popular youtube-r Undead Viking. Lance does a great job of breaking down the game and we’re glad to see him enjoying the comic-book roots. We think that there are many gamers out there that also love comics and so we hope that you agree with Lance’s assessment of the game:

“Very quick. Very funny. And if you are a comic book fan, I think you’re going to love it.”

Next is a preview from the folks at Board Game King. They like what they see and had this to say:

“‘Super Powered Smash Masters’ is an hilariously funny and entertaining card game which [we] strongly recommend to make your weekend superheroic!”

You can see the article here: http://www.boardgameking.com/kickstarter/super-pow…

Lastly, in case you missed it, Dad’s Gaming Addiction took a look at the game, and had some great things to say about it:

“Both casual and fun, “Super Powered Smash Masters” is one brawler that you’ll want to don your cape for because regardless of who wins or loses, you’re in for a good time.”

You can read the entire review here: http://www.dadsgamingaddiction.com/super-powered-s….

And there’s more on the way! We’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Spread the Word!

Yes! Don’t be afraid to help spread the word about the Kickstarter campaign that’s going on now.

We’re nearly at the halfway point and have a long way to go to meet our goal. That means we need everyone’s help to bring SPSM to life. There are lots of great deals on the table if you can refer a friend or 3 (or 5) and there’s lots to share and talk about. The costume contest is still going on until Nov. 7th, and there’s new artwork, videos, and card info going up all the time. If you see something you like – just share!

Share with your friends!
Author darkuni1
Categories Kickstarter Reviews
Views 896


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Dark Unicorn Games