It’s official, so it’s time for the BIG reveal:
Super Powered Smash Masters is AT THE PRINTER!!
Yes, you read that right! We’ve been slowly (slowly) finalizing the game and raising the funds to make it happen, but in 8-10 week’s time, our Smash Cave will be overflowing with customizable card game-y goodness! We will post an official “in stock” date when we have one, but right now we’re looking at early September for final delivery.
So… what does this mean for you? First and foremost it means you’ll be hearing a lot more from us as we ramp up for this launch. We’ve got a lot to tell you about and we can’t wait to start! In fact, we’ll be going into more depth on each of these things, but here’s what we have in store for all our Dark Uni-friends out there:
- The “Core Set” version of the game is available for pre-order… NOW! (Yes, now!)
- The “New Recruits Set,” our first standalone expansion pack, is also available for pre-order!
- A brand new mobile-friendlier website!
- The Smash Masters Master’s Club! Help spread the word about the game and earn cool rewards, discounts, and prizes! Click HERE to learn more.
- Convention appearances! 2019 will start small, but we plan to do a few shows beginning in the Fall.
- Instagram! Yep, we’re branching out.
- A new mailing list! Be sure to sign up!
- Rule and card updates. The website is your one-stop resource for all things SPSM!
- How to play videos and pro tips.
- Create a Dark Unicorn account and post in the user forums!
- Blog and Vlog posts featuring regular updates on the production and printing of the game.
- Giveaways and contests!
- Merch! Yeah, we have a few non-game things you can buy.
- and much more!!!
SPSM: Core Set$29.99
SPSM: New Recruits Set$19.99

Did we mention the new website? Chances are you’re on it right now. Well, have a look around! If you see something you like, don’t hesitate to share it. And if you have some ideas for us, send us an email!
We’re super excited to finally make Smash Masters available for everyone to play.
Are you ready? We are sooo ready!

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