We’ve seen a lot of anger burning through the webisphere lately. A lot of terrible and transparent lies spreading around, and a great deal of moral outrage. We dark unicorns have decided to set the record straight, once and for all: the answer is no, absolutely not! Moth Mother did NOT actually give birth to moths, okay? You guys are gross!
Moth Mother is simply a costumed mutant who agrees with moths on a lot of the key issues. Like how butterflies are so lame, and how bright lights are soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful. Moths look up to Moth Mother. She’s their hero. Everyone needs a hero, right?

It’s true that after each battle she fights, she leaves literally millions of her loyal moths twitching on the battlefield where they fell. But if she can live with that, can’t you? After all, they just saved your whole team!

With Moth Mother’s innate power, “You did that on pupas!”, your team is perpetually protected from mutant attacks. It’s kind of a drag… if you’re the other side, and you’ve got a team full of mutants.
Hey! There’s more Super Powered Smash Masters goodness coming so be sure to follow us online and check back often for more udpates!
-The DUG Team
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