Well folks, with apologies to our vegan friends, it’s time to spill the beans!
We’ve been hard at work getting ready for another run at a Kickstarter campaign and we’re happy to announce that we’re ready to re-launch in just 1 week’s time! That’s right. On October 18th, Super Powered Smash Masters will be live on Kickstarter!
So What’s Changed?
The biggest change has to do with the game itself; not in how it’s played, but in how we’re packaging and planning to sell it.

We started out with plans to make SPSM a Trading card game and wanted to sell random starter packs with themed booster packs in the mold of games like ‘Magic: The Gathering’ and ‘Pokemon.’ While we think that model still has possibilities for a game like ours, we realized that it was not an ideal fit for a platform like Kickstarter, and probably not the best way to introduce people to the brand new world of Smash Masters. So after much deliberation, we’ve decided that the best way to show off the game was to package up the whole thing and make sure that our backers were treated to the full Smash Masters game experience.
This time around, SPSM Kickstarter backers won’t just get a starter deck, but instead they’ll get the entire game in one nifty package. That’s 40 heroes and 250 cards! Enough for 4 people to play at once!
You will still get to create your own decks, but now you’ll have the entire lineup of heroes to choose from and a full cache of cards to build up around them. We think this will be a much more enjoyable and give more value for your money as well. So the game is no longer being classified as a “Trading Card Game.” Instead we’re calling it a “Customizable Card Game” which works out well, because that’s what it is!
Selling the game in its entirety makes it simpler to print and ship and, as a result, our cost estimates for printing went way down. That’s great news for you. Why? Because now we can offer the entire game to backers for just $30! (And we’ll do an early bird rate at $25!!).
Better yet, with overall expenses down, we are able to lower our funding goal from $30K down to $18K as well. We’ll still need to exceed our goal in order to afford all of the custom artwork we want to do, but we can print the base game for less, so that’s what we’re going to try to do.
But I Can’t Wait a Week!
Great news! You won’t have to! (Sorta…) We want to let our previous KS backers and all of our loyal fans get a sneak peek at the new Kickstarter campaign page. Once our page gets approval from Kickstarter, we’ll be sharing a preview link with everyone who backed us during our first campaign or who is following us on our Newsletter (SIGN UP!). Those same folks will also be the first ones notified when the new Kickstarter campaign goes live, so they will get first crack at the early bird rewards. Woot!
But remember that with great power comes great responsibility. We want you to have an early look behind the curtain, but we also want your feedback. Let us know what you like, what else you’d like to see, your ideas for stretch goals, contests, special rewards, etc. This is going to be a team effort!
What Else Can I Do?
We’re glad you asked! Starting now, and throughout the campaign, you’ll hear us calling out for your support. That’s because the number one thing that determines success on Kickstarter is social networking. We need people to back us, yes, but we also need people to share, share, share. We don’t want to spam people with information, but if you have friends who play games, friends who read comics, friends who like superheroes, friends who like fun stuff, or friends who have friends who do (we figure that’s just about everyone… ), then please be sure to tell them about the game or help them find the Kickstarter page when it goes live next week.

Who knows, we might end up owing you a life debt or something and becoming your own personal chauffeur/side-kick like Kato here. (We don’t promise that we actually know any Kung-Fu, but we have a mask and that’s what’s important.)
So thanks for all you do to support our efforts. There’s LOTS more on the way!
Smash ya’ later! Whaaa-CHA!!!
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