Most of you have noticed that we’re off to a slow start. We are confident in our game, and we believed that it would succeed on Kickstarter by virtue of its merits. Now that we’ve reached the first week of our campaign and have not met our minimum goals for this milestone, we’ve decided that the best thing for our backers and for Super Powered Smash Masters is to end the campaign early and try again. 

We will return soon with an improved reboot of the campaign and reduced reward tier prices. By improving our pricing model, we will lower the barrier of initial investment, we’ll improve our chances of being funded, and all of you will benefit by paying less for the game!

We are confident that our game is a fun, quality product worthy of your support. We have great characters, great art, and game mechanics that have been proven to be fun time and again through playtesting. None of which you’ve been able to see. When we return, we’ll include reviews and testimonials that do a better job of showing you.

Many of you have not only been extremely generous with your contributions but generous with your time. You’ve posted comments and contacted us directly with encouragement, and you’ve shared your ideas on how we might improve the campaign. Man, are we listening! Your words carry tremendous weight with us. We don’t want customers. We want long-term relationships. We want to build a community of people who enjoy our games. The folks at Dark Unicorn Games understand that our success will come directly from the people who believe in us.

As we work toward our reboot, we invite you to participate in the process and share your feedback. And when the time comes to re-launch, we hope that you will join us again! Please join Dark Unicorn Games on Facebook and Twitter, where we will post regular updates and lots of game details as we progress toward the next Kickstarter launch.

Once again, thank you all for your tremendous support!

-Team Dark Unicorn

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Author darkuni1
Categories DUG News Kickstarter
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Dark Unicorn Games