This is Ben Lichius coming to you from Super Powered Smash Masters headquarters with an all new artist spotlight! Today we’re featuring one of our quirkier, loveable heroes – brought to you by an artist that knows a thing or two about working with beloved comic book characters.

Artist Spotlight #5: Rebekah Isaacs

If you know anything about vampires and comic books, then you should know the name Rebekah Isaacs. She’s been the artist on the most popular vampire slayer comics on the market – Dark Horse Comics’ Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel & Faith – both of which tell the continuing stories of Joss Whedon’s beloved Buffy-verse characters. Rebekah tackles crazy vampires, deadly monsters, and the hunters who love (and fight) them with style and an exciting visual flare that brings the undead to life on the page.

I first met Rebekah on a panel at last year’s Dragon Con in Atlanta. I was immediately impressed by how well she handled the complicated nature of the material she was working with and I could tell that she had a real depth of knowledge and appreciation of it to go with her amazing talent. When we were making our list of artists, we knew that we wanted Rebekah to contribute. We were overjoyed when she agreed to design a character for us, but we didn’t know which hero she’d be interested in. We gave her a list and told her we just wanted her to have fun with the character and the design. She chose “El Bow” the handsome telenovela star turned crossbow-obsessed vigilante – and he quickly became one of our favorites around the office. Rebekah delivered on that crazy concept with a design that captures both the fun and absurdity of the world we’re creating, and we couldn’t be happier. Check him out for yourself – just steer clear of those arrows!

You can follow Rebekah online via Twitter or Tumblr and be sure to pick up Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 at a comic shop near you!

There are more awesome character designs and card art on the way soon so be sure to follow us on Facebook or sign up for the Newsletter if you haven’t already! That’s it for now.

Smash ya’ later!


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Author darkuni1
Categories Artist Spotlight
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