Hey Smash Meisters!
Super Powered Smash Masters has a lot of great heroes that we’re very excited to share with you. More than that though, we’re working with a lot of great artists!
This is a series of artist spotlights featuring some of the smashtastic talent we’re bringing in to work on SPSM.
Artist Spotlight #2: Jeff McComsey
Jeff McComsey is a jack of all trades when it comes to producing some of the coolest independent comics on the market. He’s been a writer, artist, colorist, letterer, editor, publisher, and more on lots of great indie comics. If you like historically themed zombie stories, look no further – Jeff is your man. In fact, Jeff and his partner in crime, Steve Becker, may be the only comic publishers to ever land a zombie anthology on the New York Times best seller list!

You can see Jeff’s awesome work amid a flurry of successfully crowd-funded projects which include the popular “FUBAR” series (for which Jeff is the Editor in Chief), the impressive “Mother Russia,” and, most recently, the post-WWIII tale, “Honcho.” I was lucky enough to be set up next to Jeff and Steve’s FUBAR booth at a local convention here in PA a few years back and was immediately impressed by the quality of their work and the dedication they had to their craft.

Even though Jeff isn’t typically a tights and capes kind of comic creator, I’ve always liked his bold, exciting style. So when we started putting together SPSM, I reached out to him to help us get some visual variety into our lineup. We’re glad he agreed to take on the project and excited to share the results here. Jeff decided to draw “The Help Centaur.” He’s a magical healer and an important asset to any hero deck. With his special power “Left of Centaur” he can revive any stunned heroes positioned to his left. And with his super power “Aim For Centaur Mass,” he can stun the center hero on an opposing team and defeat all other stunned heroes at the same time. Hyyya!

You can (and should) see more of Jeff’s work HERE and at FUBARPress.com.
And if you’re not already following FUBAR Press on Facebook, you can (and should) do that HERE.
Check back again soon. We’ll have more cards and more artists spotlights to share.
Smash ya’ later!
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