Hey Smash Friends!

My name is Ben Lichius and I’m the Art Director here at Dark Unicorn Games. Boy, am I excited to work on Super Powered Smash Masters! I’ve worked on lots of comic-related games over the last 18 years, but SPSM lets me do two things that I really love – draw super heroes and work with other comic artists that draw super heroes.

But enough about me. Let’s start a series of artist spotlights featuring some of the amazing talent we’re bringing in to work on SPSM. Some names you may know already. Some you may not know yet. But I couldn’t be happier to introduce you to the guys and gals who are helping to make Smash Masters as smashtastic as it can possibly be!

Artist Spotlight #1: Don Simpson

If you’re familiar with Don’s work, you probably know him as the creator of “Megaton Man.” I first met Don about 20 years ago. I was lucky enough to attend a comic book illustration class that he was teaching for the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Ever since that time, I’ve been a fan of his. Megaton Man has been a pioneering work in the field of creator owned independent comics and the under-served genre of super-hero parody. In many ways, SPSM is walking in his footsteps and so it’s extra special to have him involved, helping to create heroes for our world.

We have a long list of heroes and so one of the exciting things about bringing comic book professionals on board is seeing what they come up with for character designs. I sent Don a list to pick from and he chose the rock & roll mutant “Glam Rock.” It was awesome to see that hero come to life in Don’s signature style – a perfect fit! Here’s Don’s concept and the finished card. 

You can see more of Megaton Man and Don’s other work HERE.

Check back again soon. We’ll have more cards and more artists spotlights to share.

Smash ya’ later!


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Author darkuni1
Categories Artist Spotlight
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