The entries are in and we’ve chosen our top 3 favorites. It’s time to pick a winner! 

This poll is officially closed. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Thank you to everyone that participated in our first contest to help give this nameless gadget hero a well deserved moniker. We got some awesome entries, but in the end it came down to 3 that we felt really captured the spirit of the game and the character too.

So congratulations must go out to our top 3 name-callers: Ian Finch, Nathan Vankirk, and Ed Kowalczewski! We’ll be in touch very soon, so that we can mail you each an early 2-Player copy of the game! If your name is chosen below as the final winner, we’ll use it in the game AND you’ll recieve a free 4-Player copy of Super Powered Smash Masters if/when our upcoming Kickstarter relaunch is a success. Woot!

Be sure to share this link around and encourage your friends to vote. And by ‘friends,’ we mean every single person you know or have ever come in contact with. 
VOTING ENDS IN ONE WEEK at 12 AM EST on 9/21/16.

And remember, from here on out, nothing counts but the votes! Tell us what you think! May the best name win!#qp_main811752 .qp_btna:hover input {background: rgb(0, 53, 95)!important} #qp_all811752 {max-width:815px; margin:0 auto;}Choose a name for this hero from our top 3 submissions! (Voting Ends 12AM EST on 9/21/16)ThingamaBarbSgt. DaughterRuby Goldbergcreate a quiz

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Author darkuni1
Categories Contest SPSM
Views 723


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Dark Unicorn Games